
Virtual Team Collaboration

Course Duration: 2.5 hours

This course describes the critically important role of collaboration required in order to create, manage and lead virtual teams.

Collaboration in A Virtual World

  • Choose the best ways to blend individual team members with single and multiple virtual teams to achieve success.
  • Specify the functions of the closed system as it relates to virtual teams.
  • Specify the function of the open system as it relates to virtual teams.
  • Specify the function of the chaotic system as it relates to virtual teams.

Trust and Commitment in Virtual Teams

  • Recognize the critical importance of trust and commitment in creating, managing and leading virtual teams.
  • Identify challenges to commitment in virtual teams.
  • Recognize the importance of the interplay between authority and trust in virtual teams.
  • Match examples of interplay between leadership and commitment in virtual teams.
  • Select examples of team politics in virtual teams.

Creating Flexibility in Virtual Teams

  • Recognize the importance of virtual team design, structure and assessment.
  • Identify the best ways that virtual teams can remain focused.
  • Choose the most successful models of virtual team design and structure for optimal functioning.
  • Specify best practices for assessing the performance of virtual teams.

Capitalizing Strengths and Limiting Liabilities

  • Recognize the critical importance of the multi-layered nature of virtual team design and function.
  • Specify the major contributions of the individual member to the virtual team.
  • Specify the contribution of the single virtual team to the total project.
  • Specify the contributions of multiple virtual teams to the total project.
  • Choose the best ways to blend individual team members with single and multiple virtual teams to achieve success.

Course Number:  TEAM 0233

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